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M4S - Midnight Sabbath

After resolving Twilight Sabbath, the boss will immediately follow this up with Midnight Sabbath. Time to break it down.

Midnight Sabbath

The boss will spawn 8 clones in each cardinal and intercardinal direction of the arena. The cardinal clones and intercardinal clones are each their own separate group, and the groups will all spawn as either a clone armed with a cannon or as a clone with wings.

Fires a laser straight ahead
Creates a donut

There are four possible patterns to watch out for, which is dependent on where the clone spawns and whether they are armed with a cannon or wings.

Cannon (Cardinal)Cannon (Intercardinal)
Wings (Cardinal)Wings (Intercardinal)

The patterns are easy to follow, but here comes the actual problem. While the circles descend, the boss will cast either Scattered Burst or Concentrated Burst which the party has to resolve:

  • Scattered Burst: Spread to two-man stack
  • Concentrated Burst: Two-man stack to spread

The two-man stack will target either all DPS or all supports. Because of the safe spots, using conventional clockspots will not work, so for this specific mechanic, you will have to follow the following spread position instead.

The idea of this spread position is to have each player occupy one cardinal and one intercardinal each. The player will shift to the closest safe spot depending on whether cardinal or intercardinal is safe first, and adjust again when the spot they're staying in is no longer safe. Your partner might not be always the same, but a support will always be paired together with a DPS. And as a bonus, this strategy gives melee full uptime too.

Below is a few examples how your movement should be in three different scenarios.

Concentrated Burst
Cannon (Intercardinal) > Cannon (Cardinal)
Scattered Burst
Wing (Cardinal) > Wing (Intercardinal)
Scattered Burst
Cannon (Cardinal) > Wing (Intercardinal)

If you are having trouble determining whether you have to move or not, one thing you can keep in mind is that you will only move when the clones of both group are the same. E.g. cannon and cannon again, or wing and wing again. If its cannon to wing, or wing to cannon, then you will stay where you are but spread out or stack if necessary.

Don't celebrate yet! While resolving this mechanic, the boss will sneakily launch a Wicked Special in order to try and catch you off guard. Identify whether its sword or dual lasers quickly, and immediately show her that sneak attacks don't work. Once that's over, the boss will cast Wicked Thunder, which will return the arena back to normal.