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M4S - Electrope Edge 1

Wicked Thunder will proceed with her next gimmick by using Electrope Edge, which will summon electrope cubes at each corner of the arena. After the cubes are in place, she will follow it up with Witchgleam in order to zap those cubes. These cubes will detonate later and the size of its explosion is dependent on how many times it got zapped by the boss.

1 charge2 charge

Stay away from the intercardinals because you will be caught in the crossfire otherwise when the boss is zapping the cubes. The boss will always zap every cube, with two cubes being always zapped twice. The cubes getting zapped twice can never be both west or east, which means that there are only four possible patterns for you to solve. For this counting exercise, you only need to identify which two cubes are zapped twice as these corners are not safe to go to.

NW/SE safeNE/SW safeNorth safeSouth safe

After she is done zapping the cubes, the boss will prime all the cubes to explode shortly by casting Symphony Fantastique. There is always two quadrants that are safe, but one of the safe quadrants will get cleaved by Sidewise Spark. The boss will always face north when cleaving, so immediately identify whether she cleaves west or east, and go to the safe quadrant in order to resolve the next mechanic.

Now, unlike the normal mode version, this version of Sidewise Spark also comes with a spread/two-man stack mechanic. In order to find out whether you're dealing with a spread or two-man stack, you have to look at the boss and see how many orbs are flying around her when she is casting her Sidewise Spark.

SpreadTwo-man stack

The spread/stack positions are done boss-relative. In the context of this mechanic, it means that wherever the boss is from your safe quadrant is the north, which means your spread/stack positions should always be the same regardless of which quadrant you end up in.

SpreadTwo-man stack

Once the mechanic is resolved, the boss will cast Wicked Jolt on the player with the highest enmity. This is a two part tankbuster that is commonly invulned instead of a tank swap in order for tanks to commit their mitigations against auto attacks instead. If you intend to use invulnerability for this tankbuster, then do be careful as the magic vulnerability lingers for a while after the 2nd hit. The boss's auto attacks are also magical, so your invuln need to be properly timed for it to not wear off before your magic vulnerability expires. In case of a tank swap, the MT should immediately provoke back the aggro once the ST takes the 2nd hit.