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DSR Uptime Exaflare

DSR P7 allows you four different ways to dodge the exaflares:

  • The braindead way, which forces players outside of melee range temporarily but works for all patterns.
  • Relative south uptime, the regular way to do the uptime dodge from south.
  • Relative north uptime, when its not possible for you to do the regular uptime dodge.
  • Out pattern dodges, which is only feasible for ranged. You don't need this guide if you can do this consistently.

This guide will specifically cover the south and the north uptime dodges. The exaflares can easily be uptimed if you know what to look for when Thordan casts Exaflare's Edge.

Relative south uptime

This uptime method will not work if both exaflares at the north are aimed diagonally towards the party, but it will work on any other patterns. Ignore the south exaflare pattern and solely focus on the two northern exaflares to determine the safe spot.

Topleft exaflare is diagonally pointed towards you.
Dodge left
Topright exaflare is diagonally pointed towards you.
Dodge right
Both exaflares are pointed outwards or cardinally.
Stay and let it resolve.

Relative north uptime

Known as the downtime pattern, this is the alternative uptime dodge if both northern exaflares are diagonal. They key to this uptime dodge is by looking at the south exaflare.

Triple diagonal exaflares.
Dodge into one of the northern exaflares, then move towards the point where the diamonds connect on the floor. There exists patterns where you can safely stay after dodging into an exaflare.
South exaflare is cardinal.
Dodge into either of the northern exaflares and stay there.