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Another Sil'dihn Subterrane - Intro

At the time of this writing, Elemental has no official PF strategy although I am trying to establish one:

  • The Materia DC strat is used as the base, with game8 to fix positions that are left ambiguous:
    • The Materia DC clockspot is intentionally used, because this becomes the default in Mount Rokkon and Aloalo Island for JP as well.
    • For Curse of the Fallen, stack goes west and the blue debuff goes to east.
    • For Curse of the Monument, the towers are resolved using the TMRH snake priority.
  • Mana uses a combination of strategies from different stratmakers and does not follow game8 for the most part:
  • Here is a list of differences between Materia and Mana:
    • The basic clockspots.
    • Fresh Puff 2: Mana follows ZizieZip's fixed way of resolving the puffs.
    • Curse of the Monument: Chains are broken west/east, with melee going east and ranged going west.
    • Infern Brand 1: Supports go north while DPS go south. The safe spots utilized are also different compared to what is used in every other EN speaking datacenters.

General notes to expect in PF:

  • The first tankbuster from the Aqueduct Belladonna is almost always invulned.
  • The Blessed Beacon (wild charge) after Infern Brand 4 is cheesed by having the tank stand in front of the boss with invulnerability.
  • PF will not do Infern Brand 5 the intended way and instead, opt to kill the boss before the mechanic wipes the party.


Keep the following in mind on the savage version of this fight:

  • Upon engaging your first enemy, a global enrage timer of 24 minutes will start.
  • There are no revives, you will restart all the way from the beginning if you wipe.
  • Almost all attack telegraphs have now disappeared.
  • All avoidable attacks from mobs are now lethal and the auto attack damage from mobs have increased as well.
  • All unavoidable attacks and attacks from bosses now deal 10% more damage, which means that all attacks require more mitigation to survive.
  • All enemies have 10% more HP.


General Macro

English (OCE Strat)

Basic spread positions(True North)
  T   | T   M
H M |
R |H    R
■ Boss 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Puff 2 → Directly to wall/corner | Don't hit donut with ice
Puff 4 → ZizieZip: Start A and dodge 1 tile left/right
■ Boss 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Curse of the Fallen → Stack West | Debuff East
Chains → North Melee | South Ranged
Towers → North CW: T > M > R > H
■ Boss 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brand 1 → N: Melee | S: Support | Close: DPS | Far: Support
Brand 3 → Orange North | West: Out
Blue South | East: In

Japanese (Mana PF Strat)

通し基本散開  (北を基準に散開)
  MT  |近D  MT
近D 遠D |
  ヒラ   |ヒラ  遠D
■1ボス -------------------------------------------------
ポンポン2回目 → ジジー式処理
縦4ポンポン → ジジー式処理
咆哮:頭割り ←西  東→ 連呪 |鎖 東西  西H遠D 東T近D
■3ボス -------------------------------------------------
呪具1:北 タンクヒラ、南 近D遠D(TD1近づく ヒラD2離れる)
呪具2:南西 or 北東
呪具3:脳死法 北から赤←、赤→、青→、青←