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About this website

Unlike all the other million guides which specifically talks about strategies which players can use to clear, this website focuses more on teaching concepts instead of teaching people strategies. There is nothing wrong with guides that focuses specifically on strategies, but unfortunately, this also cultivates people who can only imitate what is seen on a guide while having no knowledge about actual raiding. More often than not, this player will cause a wipe in a raid and the person would be none the wiser as to why the wipe happened.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to just clear content by mimicking whatever you see in guides, but my goal here is to make people become better raiders by teaching players conceptual insight to the mechanics. Thus, if you're someone who only cares about the strategies, then this website might not be for you. Naturally, strategies will be discussed, but understanding the mechanics and concepts comes first.

This website is for you if:

  • You're new to the raiding scene and you actually want to learn.
  • You've been told to get good, but you have no idea where to start.
  • You unironically think having a high parse means you're a good player (you're not).
  • You want to join or lead a static, and you want some insights that you could use as preparation.
  • You still have trouble completing a content even after checking Tuufless's website.

The scope of this website expands to NA Aether, JP Elemental and JP Mana. As not everyone raids on multiple datacenters, not everything that is written will be applicable to everyone.