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P12S - Gaiaochos 2

Athena will start casting Gaiaochos for the second time in the fight. This will shrink the arena again and bring you back to the mini phase where everyone's movement will be slowed down.

Summon Darkness and Demi Parhelion

Athena will start out by casting Summon Darkness, which will summon one angel in a random intercardinal direction. Stack in the center and do not move, because just like Gaiaochos 1, the boss will apply chains again that needs to be stretched out by the party. Instead, use this chance to identify as to which direction you have to run towards to. Until the time is right, do not move away from the center of the arena.

Angel appears on either NW or SEAngel appears on either NE or SW

Once the angel is summoned, Athena will cast Demi Parhelion and create AoEs on the floor just like the first Gaiaochos. You're still completely safe in the center, so do not panic and do not move too early, even if Athena is casting Geocentrism. Only once you see the chain debuff appear on you, then that is your cue to start running towards your safe spot. For this part, sprint is recommended as your movement is slowed down during this mini phase.

After you have started running towards the safe spots, you need to quickly identify whether Athena intends to spin the globe horizontally or vertically. How Athena intends to spin the globe determines where your relative safe spot is and you need to react quickly by shifting over to the correct safe spot in order to not get burned by the fire. In this version of Geocentrism, Athena will never spin the globe sideways, so you will not have to worry about the safe spot being a donut in the middle.

Start running towards your safe spot once you see the chain debuff appear! You have time to adjust later, so don't be afraid of running into the AoE, because your priority is breaking the chain first!Athena intends to spin the globe vertically. Immediately shift over to the left side and align yourself vertically!

After shifting over to the next safe spot, you need to immediately think on the next step: spreading out. Once Athena spins the globe, the party now need to loosely spread out in order to avoid hitting each other with the AoE that will be cast soon. In order to avoid having everyone run down the lane at the same time and end up hitting each other by accident, the PF strat makes all acting melees adjust for the ranged players, with light group 1 adjusting for light group 2.

Furthest from starting position!
MT and D1 should run down the lane and be the furthest away from H2 and D4

Nearest from starting position!
H2 and D4 should not be moving at all, everyone else adjusts for them.

Remember that the angel has not fired its beam yet, so wait a bit before you start running down the lane when spreading out. Keep in mind that the AoE itself is rather small, so you do not need to run all the way to the other side of the arena.

Below are some examples of this mechanic being resolved.

Ultima Blow

Once the party has successfully resolved the previous mechanic, Athena will now cast Summon Darkness again, summoning eight angels this time in each (inter)cardinal direction.

In this mechanic, the angels will tether either towards all support players or all DPS players. This tether does two things: First, it will inflict a magic vulnerability debuff on the player that its tethered to. Second, the angel will fire a magical beam directly to the player its tethered to. Because of the magical vulnerability, getting hit by this beam directly is fatal.

Luckily, this beam has a wild charge property, meaning that it will deal full damage only on the first player it hits. This means that a tethered player can survive the attack by having another player stand in front of their beam, as the reduced damage is low enough for a tethered player to survive even with a magical vulnerability. Keep in mind that although the damage is reduced, taking multiple beams at once is still fatal.

So in order to correctly resolve this mechanic, the player with tether must stretch it directly across the arena, while the non-tethered partner must stand in front of their tethered partner in order to absorb the direct blow from the beam. After the initial four angels fire their beam, the next four angels will now target the other group. Whether the angels target supports or DPS first is random, but after resolving the first set, the angels will always target the other group. After each sets of lasers, Athena will cast Ultima, so the party must keep the health of everyone topped up in order to not wipe to a raidwide while the party is resolving this mechanic.

Either all support or all DPS gets targeted by the tethers, so the partner pairs are as follows:


Make absolutely sure not to lose sight of your partner, because your partner will die if you do not stand in front of him/her when the lasers go off. For this part, it is recommended to use focus target in order to not lose sight of your partner when everyone is moving around.

Keep in mind that although this mechanic is intended to be solved using eight players who are alive, there does exist a way to do this mechanic if someone has died in any of the prior mechanics. In order to prevent further deaths, the tank with invulnerability can stand in the direct center of the arena and use his/her invulnerability. This way, the tank can effectively soak all lasers at the same time without dying, while also providing the necessary cover to reduce the damage of all the lasers against the tethered players.

Alternatively, if the party does not have anyone with an invulnerability, then a person can opt to sacrifice himself/herself instead by standing in the center of the arena and soak all the lasers. That player will definitely die, but at the very least, it will allow the tethered players to survive. There is only Ultima between each laser sets and there are no more mechanics after that. So, if the DPS is still tight, then this might be the right call if you can prevent a DPS from dying.

If Athena still hasn't been defeated yet at this point, then Athena will now start casting Ignorabimus. If the party cannot defeat Athena before Ignorabimus is cast, then Athena will crush the platform that you're standing on, effectively wiping the party.