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P12S - Athena Intro (Phase 1)

P12S consists of two phases. For phase two, check out part 2 of this fight.

The strategy is mostly the same across all datacenters:

  • Aether uses pastebin.
    • Aether has DPS go CCW and support go CW in Paradeigma 2.
    • Tanks need to flex for the healers in Paradeigma 3 if they both get the tower debuff.
    • DPS positions are fixed depending on how your tethers are stretched.
  • Elemental and Mana follows Nukemaru.
    • JP has support go CCW and DPS go CW in Paradeigma 2.
    • Supports with towers and DPS all respect a priority system in Paradeigma 3 to decide who soaks which tower.

General notes:

  • This raid introduces the use of Umbral and Astral elements, which are the light and dark elements.
    • Taking an Umbral/Astral attack will inflict an elemental debuff on the player.
      • This debuff is used to resolve mechanics of the opposite element, like towers and stack lasers.
      • Taking another attack of the same element is fatal and will likely not resolve the mechanic properly.
      • Players cannot soak towers of the same element.
    • Keep this concept in mind, as these elements will make a return in part 2 of this fight.

Major mechanics


