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P12S - Athena Intro (Phase 2)

This is the second phase of P12S. For phase one, head back to part 1 of this fight.

The strategies used for each datacenter are as follows:

  • Aether uses pastebin.
    • Aether uses the updated version of Papan strategy for Caloric Theory 1.
    • Aether uses 0+2 for Pangenesis, which refers to the players with no debuff moving up in the line up and taking the first tower.
  • Mana follows Nukemaru.
    • Mana uses Mochibe for Caloric Theory 1, which is explained in Nukemaru's video.
    • Mana uses 1 up 0 down for Pangenesis, which refers to the player with the 1 stack moving up in the line up line and taking the first tower.
    • Mana parties do not line up for Pangenesis by default, but they are aware that it is a thing.
  • Elemental uses the same strategy as Mana, but with a few differences in the strategies:

General notes:

  • All major mechanics are raidwides by itself upon cast and are fatal to the party when not properly mitigated.
  • Only WAR can invuln both Palladian Grasp, which is the tentacle tankbuster.
    • If the party doesn't have a WAR, then the tanks needs to decide amongst themselves which Palladion Grasp they want to use invulnerability on.
    • In Elemental and Mana, the ST invulns the first Palladion Grasp by default in parties with no WAR.
  • Check whether the PF mentions KX or XX, which refers to the Palladian Ray spreads during The Classical Concepts.

Major mechanics



{"Name":"P12S-2 (Papan)","MapID":943,"A":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":89.0,"ID":0,"Active":true},"B":{"X":104.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":93.0,"ID":1,"Active":true},"C":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":97.0,"ID":2,"Active":true},"D":{"X":96.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":93.0,"ID":3,"Active":true},"One":{"X":99.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":81.0,"ID":6,"Active":true},"Two":{"X":113.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":93.0,"ID":5,"Active":true},"Three":{"X":119.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":91.0,"ID":7,"Active":true},"Four":{"X":87.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":93.0,"ID":4,"Active":true}}