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P12S - The Classical Concepts 2

Athena will cast The Classical Concepts again, which will again summon a 3x4 grid of orbs on the field. However, this version of Classical Concept comes with a twist compared to how the first one works. During this mechanic, Athena will cast Panta Rhei, which will flip the whole orb grid by 180 degrees. Another difference compared to the first Classical Concept, is that Athena will now cast Palladian Ray before the orbs explode. This will limit the available space for the ray baits, because the players need to be able to dodge the exploding orbs after the bait.

Before Panta Rhei-->After Panta Rhei
Shackled Together
Shackles two players together with a green tether, forcing the pair to be close to each other. Moving too far from each other will break the tether, killing both players. In this version of Classical Concepts, this debuff expires the moment an orb tethers onto you, which means you can immediately move!
Alpha Target and Beta Target
All pairs are assigned one Alpha and one Beta. These debuffs do nothing, but they are used in strategies to determine who takes which orbs during this mechanic. Contrary to popular belief, having Alpha does not prevent you from taking yellow cube orbs. Similarly, Beta can take red triangle orbs instead if they want to.

Panta Rhei

The orb grid will be flipped 180 degrees in an attempt to throw off the players, but the way you resolve this mechanic is the same. Keep in mind that there exists patterns that would basically resolve itself even if it flips by 180 degrees, but you are expected to always move regardless because at the same time, not all patterns are cheesable. PF will not check constantly which patterns are cheesable and which aren't.

For Classical Concepts 2, the universally accepted spread for Palladian Ray is the X-pattern.

Once Athena finishes casting The Classical Concepts, the players should immediately go to their assigned blue orb and intercept them the same way as you did in Classical Concepts 1. However, do be prepared to move out once you're done, because Athena will flip the orb grid soon by 180 degrees. Jumping is an universally accepted way of telling your partner that you are ready to move out.
Once you're ready to move out, immediately move to your correct spot that allows you to intercept the orb when the orb grid flips around.
Remember that you both are still affected by Shackled Together, so avoid running too far ahead from your partner or you might risk breaking the green tether!
Athena will now cast Panta Rhei, which will flip the orb grids by 180 degrees. After flipping the orb grid, the orbs will now tether to the players if done correctly.
The Shackled Together debuff will disappear once you see the purple tether from the orb. This is your cue to start prepositioning in an X-pattern in order to deal with the incoming Palladium Ray. Just like before, Alpha baits north while Beta baits south.

Once the rays appear, dodge sideways in order to avoid the orb explosions.
If done properly, the rays should not hit anyone and everyone should be in time to dodge the explosion from the orbs.

Once the party has successfully dealt with this mechanic, Athena will wrap this mechanic up by casting Ultima and then follow it up by casting Crush Helm. Nothing has changed since the last time, so the party can deal with this tankbuster the same way as they did the first.