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Gladiator of Sil'dih - Specter of Might

Upon pulling, the tank can immediately pull the boss towards south. The gladiator will soon transition into its first major mechanic that forces you south, so having the boss already at south helps with minimizing movement while also maximizing uptime. Once you've pulled the boss, the gladiator will start off by using Flash of Steel. There is no bleed involved in this raidwide, so just make sure to mitigate enough and you should be fine.

After dealing with the raidwide, the gladiator will use Specter of Might to summon two clones, which signals the first major mechanic that your party has to deal with.

Specter of Might

The gladiator will use Specter of Might twice. The first set of clones will spawn north, while the second set will spawn south after resolving the first set. Similarly to the variant dungeon, the gladiators will charge forward to do a frontal cleave, which is followed up by a back cleave. The distance of the gladiator movement is dependent on how many times it charges up, before it initiates its attack. The difference in criterion however, is that you now have to pay attention to two of them at the same time.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • The charge distance of each clones must always be unique from each other, so that limits the amount of possibilities down to 6.
  • Your dodge movement is always up to down when facing the clones, no matter which pattern you get.
  • You can easily identify a clone that is done charging by a big bright flash instead of the smaller glow when its charging.
  • For the patterns consisting of a clone with 1 charge, you can use the glowing markings on the floor to resolve the mechanic
    • For 2-3 and 3-2 patterns, you can use the numbered waymarks instead.
Frontal CleaveBack CleaveFrontal CleaveBack Cleave
Frontal CleaveBack CleaveFrontal CleaveBack Cleave
Frontal CleaveBack CleaveFrontal CleaveBack Cleave

After resolving both sets, the gladiator will target the healer with a Sculptor's Passion, which is a line stack with a wild charge property. This is then followed up with a Mighty Smite. Have the tank stand in front of the party and mitigate these attacks.