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Fulgent Blade

Fulgent Blade starts off as a raidwide that creates exalines, followed by an Akh Morn at the end.
Fulgent Blade itself is a raidwide, so make absolutely sure to mitigate this! Feint is recommended here, as this attack is considered physical.

Determining starting position

Immediately identify which of the exaline is going to go off first once the three sets of exalines has spawned in. Once identified, draw an imaginary line from the X towards the cardinal direction that matches with it. Your starting position is always at a cardinal, but some patterns requires you to stay inside/outside the boss hitbox, while some requires you to stay at a specific half of the arena.

Below are some examples, with red lines drawn as references that marks the borders of each safe spots.

Example 1Example 2Example 3
Start inside the boss hitbox!Start inside the boss hitbox, on the safe half of the arena.The exaline starts inside the boss, so stay out of the boss hitbox!

Keep in mind that XIVSim does not cover all possible patterns, so be sure that you are aware of all possible patterns before attempting a clear.

Executing the uptime dodge & Akh Morn

There are multiple approaches to this once you know where to start, but the one method I will focus on is the uptime dodge. The video below explains quite nicely how to execute it.

The idea behind this dodge is that there are two triangles that form the area that you want to dodge into. The uptime dodge focuses on the safe triangle that you can dodge into, which allows you to safely wait one tick until the exalines approaches you in preparation for the next dodge.

The triangles are not perfectly the size of the whole exaline as the middle area is always unsafe, as shown in the image below,. The Always Unsafe zone is illustrated by the red reference lines in this guide, the reference line that should not be crossed if you don't want to eat an incoming exaline.

Unlike what the video explains though, you do not need to worry about things like CW or CCW rotations in order to determine whether you have to dodge left or right. You only have to remember the following: you look towards the incoming exaline and you dodge away from where the other exaline sets have spawned.

Example 1
Start at A, right safe
Example 2
Start at C, left safe
Example 3
Start at B, left safe

At the end of the exalines, one random player on each side of Pandora will be targeted for an Akh Morn, which is a four player stack. While facing Pandora, light party 1 goes left and light party 2 goes right.

Look at where Pandora is facing and make haste on getting to the correct half of Pandora, because if you're a bit too late, you will risk getting a double Akh Morn on your light party if you happen to be selected. Chase down the lingering exaline if you have to in order to get to the other half of Pandora!